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Take Your Career to
the Next Level

Helping you navigate career transitions and professional development

Get UNSTUCK and REIGNITE your passion and energy towards your career and professional development

Meet Meredith

Integrative Career & Professional Development Strategist & Coach

Are you feeling restless and uninspired in your career? ​


Are you struggling to find clarity on direction or how to navigate your next move?


Are you struggling with managing and inspiring your team? 


Are you needing professional development but don't know where or how to get it? 

Let's Work Together

Career & Professional
Development Coaching

Leadership &

Change Management, Strategy, & Facilitation

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Let's find your way towards a career and life that ignites your soul!

I want to hear from you!

Will be in touch shortly!


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@2022 Thriving at Waters Edge,
a Waters Edge Wellness, LLC

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